Tag: arduino micro

Beetle Virtual Keyboard BadUSB Pro Micro ATMEGA32U4 Module Mini Development Expansion Board For Arduino Leonardo R3 DC 5V I2C (WHL #37)

Having no internet connection because your telephone provider screws up is bad enough – but this time, I screwed up. D’oh…
Well, I’m back, and now speeds have doubled. And cost has halved. Was that worth two weeks of heavily limited 2G/4G cellphone tethering interwebs? I don’t know, I don’t want to do that again… :???:

Today’s item is a small Arduino compatible board. I bought this mid-February for 3.52€ including shipping on AliExpress, and it arrived yesterday.

Why do I buy such a limited version instead of one of the larger (Pro Micro/Mini, etc.) […]

A beefy electronic load (#P4F2)

Hello again!

I’ve been asked: What do you do with this electronic load thing? Well, I‘ve been using it as a battery torture device, what else could you do with a variable resistance device…

For a crude first step in actually testing my unit and also classifying a newly harvested set of deeply discharged 18650 cells, I slapped together some minimalistic Arduino program and hooked the thing up in parallel to the battery under test. The electronic load was set to 2 Amps with another battery, which was monitored by the Uni-T 203A current clamp. […]