24V to 5V 10A 50W DC DC Converter Regulator Car Step Down Reducer 24V to 5V 10AMP Daygreen CE Certificated (WHL #46)
Alright, part two of the DC-DC converter tests that’ll lead to a small project. This time we got a 5V/10A converter from Daygreen, model number B10-1224-05, shipped together with the 12V/10A unit from WHL #44. This item was 2.41€ excluding shipping, as described in that blog post.
It’s a brick style unit as well, a tad smaller, but also has two mounting holes left and right which are flush with the case. Contrary to the more powerful 12V one, this is only a plastic case that was potted, but it has four screw terminals and therefore offers more flexibility when it comes to attaching your own wiring. […]
Thanks a lot for all!