Tag: moisture

Xiaomi Mijia Bluetooth-compatible Thermometer 2 Electric Humidity Smart Home Wireless Hygrometer LCD Digital Moisture (WHL #91)

Some new gadgets have been sitting here for a while – couldn’t be arsed to write about them last week

It’s pack of three Xiaomi Mijia Temperature + Humidity Monitor 2 (what a name), product number seems to be LYWSD03MMC. They cost me 15.58€ in December, inclusive of shipping and indeed one CR2032 coin cell per unit. Units from German distributors are more like 10 to 15€ each with negligible volume discounts – and shipping cost on top of that.

Anyway, here’s an explosion view from the unit, likely made by Xiaomi and not the seller:

I’ve been using other cheapo thermometer/hygrometer units for the past, well, probably 10 to 15 years, they’re really inexpensive at sub-2€ each and run on LR44 batteries basically indefinitely. […]

Batches of GEEETECH 1kg 1.75mm PETG 3D Printer Filament Vacuum Packaging Overseas Warehouses Fast Ship (WHL #89)

Well, this might be obvious for everyone that has been into 3D printing for a long time, but I completely fell for it.
For a current project that’ll take a couple kilograms of material in chunks of like 500 to 700g, and the recent singles day/11.11. sales frenzy, I bought (among other spools) 3x 1kg of Geeetech PETG white. I previously bought a single roll of that exact “700-001-1310” stuff, so I figured I could just print one of the parts for as long as the filament lasts, and then simply switch over to the new spool.

Of course I was mistaken. […]