Tag: raspberry pi

ioBroker adapters and Raspberry Pi hardware pricing (#R14)

A quick service post for this week: RPis are pretty expensive nowadays because of “the chip shortage” (and people cashing in) – and maybe you don’t even need an upgrade when just running a couple of ioBroker things on your 1GB unit.

Well, I’ve upgraded my 3B+ from stretch to buster to bullseye earlier today, broke a few things (php8.0-mysql…not a database upgrade issue on ioBroker despite (null) values everywhere), changed swap size from 512M to 2G, and finally installed a docker image (why…) of teslamate. […]

Sensirion SGP30 and Bosch BME280 air sensors (WHL #64)

Small air sensor modules for today!

The Bosch BME280 has been in use on my ESP modules across the apartment since I discarded the unreliable DHT sensors, DHT22 in my case. It’s a combined temperature-pressure-humidity sensor, contrary to the much cheaper BMP280 or the predecessor BMP180, which lack the humidity part (pretty much vital indoors, while pressure is just a gimmick). They are sold in many similar versions, I’ve always picked the GY-BME280 module in 3.3V flavour (“GYBMEP”), as the sensor can be operated from 1.71V to 3.6V which is handy for different MCUs. […]

DHT22 WiFi (ESP8266) temperature/humidity loggers (#P7)

Guess who was busy and also did not prepare a post in advance? Yeah, lazy me :mrgreen:

Well, let’s pick up some project that I’m deploying slowly around my flat. I intend to run five of these devices, one with some light meter and maybe other outdoor sensors, the others will be indoors. I’ve been running the early prototype for quite some while now, doubling as a Blynk gateway to some LED strips in the liquor cabinet (yeah, I called it Boozy McBoozeface for a reason). Accessing lights at home from far away isn’t that important to me, so once I have time to install some more touch buttons, that one will be no longer running Blynk, probably eliminating some timing/connectivity issues. […]